M9 / M9D / M11 / M11D Fan Thermostat (Newer Style Units) Midmark-Ritter Part #: RP-MIA092 close Price: $44.50 Quantity: Quantity in Basket: None Shipping Weight: 0.35 pounds ONE YEAR WARRANTY Replacement MIDMARK Cooling Fan Thermostat assembly Fits the Door Frame on Newer Model Midmark Autoclaves Opens at 130˚F & closes at 130˚F Includes Bracket & Fan Thermostat Fits the following MIDMARK Autoclaves: M9 020 thru 022 with S/Nl # prefixes RN, RP, RR & V. M9D 020 thru 022 with S/N # prefixes RW, RX & V. M11 020 thru 022 with S/N # prefixes RS, RT, RV & V M11D 020 thru 022 with S/N # prefixes RY, RZ & V. Related Item(s) Code Name Image Price RP-MIC143 Midmark Sterilizer Cleaner 16 Oz. Bottle $23.85 RP-RPT113 Autoclave Chamber Thermometer $127.06
Replacement MIDMARK Cooling Fan Thermostat assembly
M9 020 thru 022 with S/Nl # prefixes RN, RP, RR & V.
M9D 020 thru 022 with S/N # prefixes RW, RX & V.
M11 020 thru 022 with S/N # prefixes RS, RT, RV & V
M11D 020 thru 022 with S/N # prefixes RY, RZ & V.
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