- Tapmaster Cabinet Door Activator Hot/Cold Water (Momentary Activation)
- Requires light touch of your leg to activate the Momentary
Requires no Power Outlets, Batteries or Sensors
Activator mounts inside cabinet with Dual line activation
System works on water pressure p>
Includes the following:
2 - Inline Flow Control Valves, 1 - Pilot/Actuator valve, 3' - Control tubing
Includes all necessary hardware for normal installation
The Model 1720 cabinet door activator is Tapmasters simplest and most affordable
hands free faucet solution. Its high precision activator valve needs to move only
20 thousandths of an inch to activate your faucet. This means that when it is
installed it is nearly impossible to detect with the cabinet door closed. To operate the
Tapmaster simply press against the cabinet door with your knee or leg and set the
faucet open to the desired flow and temperature. releasing the door, the Tapmaster
shuts off the water flow making this model ideal for situations where your faucet only
needs to be activated for brief periods.